
Black Granite

Black Granite FB (10)
Black Granite


Critical in using Black Granite is that it must be non-fading in the ultra- violet radiation. Selecting the material from Geological Formations, which reached the minimum pressures and temperatures so the black minerals, eg. pyroxenes and amphiboles could crystallize properly. During subsequent cooling and uplifting, these rocks must have preserved their integrity so the black colour is ever lasting. Without studying the stone at microscopic scale you can’t be sure of its quality. Geological expertise is the key in trusting your supplier. In our tropical conditions, bright sunlight and abundant rainfall, the stone remains the same over long periods. Being flamed and brushed it’s non-slippery and requires virtually no maintenance. In full sunlight it’s self cleaning for oil and grease stains.

Available Sizes

10x10x2 cm. / 30x60x2 cm. / 60x60x2 cm. Other sizes available on request

Recommended Uses


In the natural stone world, most people talk about Black Granites for Counter tops, Paving, Flooring and Cladding tiles and Funeral work.

Such a stone doesn’t exist.

Granite per definition must contain Quartz and Alkali Feldspar, besides Plagioclase and other minor minerals.







Black Granite is a Mafic Rock, formed at great depth and temperature and consists mainly of FerroMagnesium minerals and (Calcium) Plagioclase and has no Quartz nor Alkali Feldspar minerals.

They are mainly formed in cratons, earth’s first continents, eg. South Africa, India, Canada, China and Australia to name a few. A well-known variety (Norite) is known from South Africa and Zimbabwe, where it’s quarried extensively for Dimension stone applications. This stone formation hosts also world’s largest platinum and chromite deposits.

Metamorphosis and tectonic uplift may affect severely the composition and strength of this stone. Both the abundant Calcium, Fe (iron) and Magnesium may be (partly) released/altered forming; veins, pyrite (rusting at the surface and magnesium changing into green minerals. This can create major problems in installed natural stones. Black colour may fade (often) in fierce sunlight, as the FeMg crystals are no longer perfectly mineralized and the iron/magnesium ions becoming grey due to oxidation.  These mineral changes are often only visible with a microscope as part of a geological study

Make sure when you purchase “Black Granite” that your supplier knows well, what they are selling to you, as it’s one of the most complicated rocks used the stone industry. You risk purchasing big problems.